Software Technology and Data Science
I'm interested in data intensive software applications, their analysis, composition, and optimization.
PhD students: Olof Björneld - Joel Cramsky - Zijie Feng - Mathias Hedenborg - Manoranjan Kumar - Rahul Suresh - Felix Viberg
Alumnis: Dr Joakim Nivre (2005) - Dr Thomas Panas (2005) - Dr Morgan Ericsson (2008) - Dr Rüdiger Lincke (2009) - Dr Dennis Strein (2009) - Dr Marcus Edvinsson (2010) - Dr Tobias Gutzmann (2013) - Dr Jonas Lundberg (2014) - Dr Antonina Danylenko (2015) - Dr Jens Kirchner (2016) - Dr Erik Österlund (2019) - Dr Maria Ulan (2021)
Current and recently finished projects:
- Data Intensive Applications (DIA+) (2023-2028) is funded by the Knowledge Foundation with 12.6 MSEK. Partners are AWA, Fortnox, Micropower, SKF, Softwerk, and Volvo CE funding the project in kind with another 15.75 MSEK.
- Machine Learning Models for Multi-Dimensional Quantitative Movement Analysis (LOUISA) (2020-2023) is funded by the Bundesministerium für Forschung und Bildung (Germany) with 1.37 M€. Partners are AIMO, Universitätsklinikum Ulm, and Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen.
- Data Intensive Applications (DIA) (2020-2025) is funded by the Knowledge Foundation with 18 MSEK. Partners are Combitech, Electrolux professional, Scania, Sigma Technology, Softwerk, SKF, Virtual Manufactoring, and Volvo CE funding the project in kind with another 38.5 MSEK.
- Software Technology for Self-Adaptive Systems (2015-2019) is funded by the Knowledge Foundation with 11.5 MSEK. Partners are IBM, Hughes Power System, Vattenfall, Ericsson, Sigma Technology, Softwerk, Wexiödisk, and Yaskawa funding the project in kind with another 12.5 MSEK.
- Effective and Efficient Information Quality Assessment (2012-2015) is funded by the Knowledge Foundation with 3 MSEK. Partners are Sigma Kudos and Ericsson funding the project with another 2.6 MSEK and 1.2 MSEK, respectively, and Softwerk providing tools.
- Context-aware Composition of Parallel Components (2011-2013) is funded by the Swedish Research Council with 2.4 MSEK. Co-applicant was Christoph Kessler.
Publications, citations, and downloads. Selected publications:
- Image generation of log ends and patches of log ends with controlled properties using generative adversarial networks. Signal Image Video Process. 18(8-9): 6481-6489 (2024)
- A comparative study of the 2D- and 3D-based skeleton avatar technology for assessing physical activity and functioning among healthy older adults. Health Informatics J. 29(4) (2023)
- A Framework for Memory Efficient Context-Sensitive Program Analysis. Theory Comput. Syst. 66(5): 911-956 (2022)
- Skeleton avatar technology as a way to measure physical activity in healthy older adults. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 24 (2021)
- Using source code density to improve the accuracy of automatic commit classification into maintenance activities. JSS 168 (2020)
- Towards an Automated Assessment of Musculoskeletal Insufficiencies best paper award, Data Driven Human Movement Assessment. IDT Vol. 142, 143. Springer (2019)
- Self-adaptive concurrent components. AUSE 1-53 (2018)
- Digitalization Canvas - Towards Identifying Digitalization Use Cases and Projects. J. UCS 23(11): 1070-1097 (2017)
- Block-Free Concurrent GC: Stack Scanning and Copying. SIGPLAN notices 51 (2016)
- Concurrent compaction using a field pinning protocol. ISMM (2015)
- Concurrent Transformation Components using Contention Context Sensors. ASE (2014) distinguished paper award
- Dynamically Transforming Data Structures. ASE (2013)
- Points-to Analysis: A Fine-Grained Evaluation. J.UCS 18(20): 2851-2878 (2012)
- Optimized composition of performance-aware parallel components. CCPE 24(5): 481-498 (2012)
- Evaluation of Accuracy in Design Pattern Occurrence Detection. IEEE TSE 36(4): 575-590 (2010)
- Fast and precise points-to analysis. IST 51(10): 1428-1439 (2009)
- Comparing software metrics tools. ISSTA: 131-142 (2008)
- An Extensible Meta-Model for Program Analysis. IEEE TSE 33(9): 592-607 (2007)
- Automatic design pattern detection. IEEE IWPC: 94-103 (2003)
- Foundations of Fast Communication via XML. Ann. Software Eng. 13(1-4): 357-379 (2002)
- Lazy XML processing. ACM DocEng, 88-94 (2002)
- Scheduling balanced task-graphs to LogP-machines. PC 26(9): 1083-1108 (2000)
- Upper Time Bounds for Executing PRAM-Programs on the LogP-Machine. ACM Supercomputing (1996)