Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications
DISA, the Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications uses data-driven methods to gain deeper knowledge and understanding in a variety of applications in engineering, science and the humanities. Linnaeus University Centres are the most excellent research environments at Linnaeus University.
The ubiquity of sensor, computing, communication, and storage technologies provides us with access to previously unknown amounts of data - Big Data. Converted into actionable knowledge, data has become an unprecedented economic value as witnessed by the success of companies like Google, Facebook, and Twitter. Big Data has also started to revolutionize research communities and their scientific methodologies. It has innovated the approaches to knowledge and theory building, validation, and exploitation taken in the natural, life, physical and engineering sciences. The humanities and social sciences face a paradigm shift away from data-scarce, static, coarse-grained and simple studies towards data-rich, dynamic, high resolution, and complex observations and simulations.
IEC, the Information Engineering Center, is a non-commercial IT cluster in the Småland region of Sweden with partners from industry, academia and the public sector jointly working with knowledge, skills, and strategic competence in all fields of information and communication technology.
It supports partners from industry and the public sector with cost-efficient competence management. It provides access to research resources and opens business contacts and opportunities. It helps university partners in offering relevant course content and defining real world research cases.
IEC was one of the driving forces behind DISA and continues its work as the DigiTri association.